Aquatic Plants

Aquatic Plants

This small beautiful ever green Island in the middle of the Indian Ocean is well known for its Natural beauty. Flora in Sri Lanka plays major role for its vast diversity. Aquatic plants from Sri Lanka brings those topical colors to Aquariums around the world. 

Aquatic plants are the plants that have adapted to aquatic environments. Aquatic plants require special adaptations for living submerged in water or at the water’s surface. Endemic aquatic plants are found in naturally only in Sri Lanka and indigenous aquatic plants are found in Sri Lanka and overseas. Most of the aquatic plants have high ornamental value. Also, they have medicinal and nutritional value. But mainly due to the endemic value of the aquatic plants, they have a huge demand.

Sri Lanka harbors over 370 aquatic or wetland plant species. Those plants belong to 46 families consisted of 39 angiosperm families with 64 genera, 6 fern families with 6 genera and one liverwort. There are 76% of ornamental aquatic pants were recorded as non-native or exotic species. Ornamental Aquatic Plant Species can be classified based on their growth habit; floating, fully submerged, emerged, rooted plants with floating leaves and marginal. This aquatic vegetation also referred as hydrophytes or aquatic macrophytes.

Aquatic Plants add stability to any freshwater tropical aquarium. They enhance the look of your tank while acting as natural filtration by absorbing nutrients that are toxic to fish. We Supply highest quality Potted Plants, Bunch plants, Loose Plants, Moss and Invitro for very competitive price.